Swift Examples - Anthropic
Service setup
Create an Anthropic service in the AIProxy dashboard
Follow the integration guide, selecting the Anthropic icon on the 'Create a New Service' form.
How to send an Anthropic message request
import AIProxy
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
do {
let response = try await anthropicService.messageRequest(body: AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
AnthropicInputMessage(content: [.text("hello world")], role: .user)
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620"
for content in response.content {
switch content {
case .text(let message):
print("Claude sent a message: \(message)")
case .toolUse(id: _, name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude used a tool \(toolName) with input: \(toolInput)")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
print("Could not create an Anthropic message: \(error.localizedDescription)")
How to use streaming text messages with Anthropic
import AIProxy
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
do {
let requestBody = AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
content: [.text("hello world")],
role: .user
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620"
let stream = try await anthropicService.streamingMessageRequest(body: requestBody)
for try await chunk in stream {
switch chunk {
case .text(let text):
case .toolUse(name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude wants to call tool \(toolName) with input \(toolInput)")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received non-200 status code: \(statusCode) with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
print("Could not use Anthropic's message stream: \(error.localizedDescription)")
How to use streaming tool calls with Anthropic
import AIProxy
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
do {
let requestBody = AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
content: [.text("What is nvidia's stock price?")],
role: .user
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
tools: [
description: "Call this function when the user wants a stock symbol",
inputSchema: [
"type": "object",
"properties": [
"ticker": [
"type": "string",
"description": "The stock ticker symbol, e.g. AAPL for Apple Inc."
"required": ["ticker"]
name: "get_stock_symbol"
let stream = try await anthropicService.streamingMessageRequest(body: requestBody)
for try await chunk in stream {
switch chunk {
case .text(let text):
case .toolUse(name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude wants to call tool \(toolName) with input \(toolInput)")
print("Done with stream")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received non-200 status code: \(statusCode) with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
How to send an image to Anthropic
Use UIImage in place of NSImage for iOS apps:
import AIProxy
guard let image = NSImage(named: "marina") else {
print("Could not find an image named 'marina' in your app assets")
guard let jpegData = AIProxy.encodeImageAsJpeg(image: image, compressionQuality: 0.6) else {
print("Could not convert image to jpeg")
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
do {
let response = try await anthropicService.messageRequest(body: AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
AnthropicInputMessage(content: [
.text("Provide a very short description of this image"),
.image(mediaType: .jpeg, data: jpegData.base64EncodedString())
], role: .user)
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620"
for content in response.content {
switch content {
case .text(let message):
print("Claude sent a message: \(message)")
case .toolUse(id: _, name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude used a tool \(toolName) with input: \(toolInput)")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
print("Could not send a multi-modal message to Anthropic: \(error.localizedDescription)")
How to use the tools API with Anthropic
import AIProxy
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
do {
let requestBody = AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
content: [.text("What is nvidia's stock price?")],
role: .user
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
tools: [
description: "Call this function when the user wants a stock symbol",
inputSchema: [
"type": "object",
"properties": [
"ticker": [
"type": "string",
"description": "The stock ticker symbol, e.g. AAPL for Apple Inc."
"required": ["ticker"]
name: "get_stock_symbol"
let response = try await anthropicService.messageRequest(body: requestBody)
for content in response.content {
switch content {
case .text(let message):
print("Claude sent a message: \(message)")
case .toolUse(id: _, name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude used a tool \(toolName) with input: \(toolInput)")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received \(statusCode) status code with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
print("Could not create Anthropic message with tool call: \(error.localizedDescription)")
How to use Anthropic's pdf support in a buffered chat completion
This snippet includes a pdf mydocument.pdf in the Anthropic request. Adjust the filename to match the pdf included in your Xcode project. The snippet expects the pdf in the app bundle.
import AIProxy
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
guard let pdfFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "mydocument", withExtension: "pdf"),
let pdfData = try? Data(contentsOf: pdfFileURL)
else {
Drop mydocument.pdf file into your Xcode project first.
do {
let response = try await anthropicService.messageRequest(body: AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
AnthropicInputMessage(content: [.pdf(data: pdfData.base64EncodedString())], role: .user),
AnthropicInputMessage(content: [.text("Summarize this")], role: .user)
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022"
for content in response.content {
switch content {
case .text(let message):
print("Claude sent a message: \(message)")
case .toolUse(id: _, name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude used a tool \(toolName) with input: \(toolInput)")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received non-200 status code: \(statusCode) with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
print("Could not use Anthropic's buffered pdf support: \(error.localizedDescription)")
How to use Anthropic's pdf support in a streaming chat completion
This snippet includes a pdf mydocument.pdf in the Anthropic request. Adjust the filename to match the pdf included in your Xcode project. The snippet expects the pdf in the app bundle.
import AIProxy
/* Uncomment for BYOK use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicDirectService(
// unprotectedAPIKey: "your-anthropic-key"
// )
/* Uncomment for all other production use cases */
// let anthropicService = AIProxy.anthropicService(
// partialKey: "partial-key-from-your-developer-dashboard",
// serviceURL: "service-url-from-your-developer-dashboard"
// )
guard let pdfFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "mydocument", withExtension: "pdf"),
let pdfData = try? Data(contentsOf: pdfFileURL)
else {
Drop mydocument.pdf file into your Xcode project first.
do {
let stream = try await anthropicService.streamingMessageRequest(body: AnthropicMessageRequestBody(
maxTokens: 1024,
messages: [
AnthropicInputMessage(content: [.pdf(data: pdfData.base64EncodedString())], role: .user),
AnthropicInputMessage(content: [.text("Summarize this")], role: .user)
model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022"
for try await chunk in stream {
switch chunk {
case .text(let text):
case .toolUse(name: let toolName, input: let toolInput):
print("Claude wants to call tool \(toolName) with input \(toolInput)")
print("Done with stream")
} catch AIProxyError.unsuccessfulRequest(let statusCode, let responseBody) {
print("Received non-200 status code: \(statusCode) with response body: \(responseBody)")
} catch {
print("Could not use Anthropic's streaming pdf support: \(error.localizedDescription)")